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 The way to love

Auteur(s) : Marcia Woods
Compositeur(s) : Ulpio Minucci
Chanson en rapport avec : Robotech

Michael Bradley  - 1'55

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She finds him strong and brave
And how she wants him so, so much
So much she knows she needs that touch
To lead the way to love
He spies a gentle soul
Waiting for her to find someone so
So very sweet and kind
To lead the way, the way to love
And now they have their space
They've run the final race
Love's given them a place
Where love can win
Heaven is where they are
Now they are finally home
With love they have no need to roam
Just look at them
Can't you see how she
She led the way to love
How he, he led the way to love
They are in love
They are in love
They are in love
They are in love, oh they're in love



visitez dear Lara Jean Marshall